Browsing the "Opinion" Category
March 30, 2014 - 0 Comments

THERE is no doubt that the problem of pregnancies among schools girls is still a vexing issue in Zambia. Judging by the magnitude of this problem, there is urgent need to find a lasting panacea...

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March 29, 2014 - 0 Comments

DESPITE threats of sanctions against bar owners allowing teenage patrons, young persons have continued patronising beer-drinking places. Beer-guzzling by teenagers has continued, some doing it for fun just because they have seen their colleagues drinking....

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March 28, 2014 - 0 Comments

LAW enforcement agencies should develop an effective strategy in tracking down unscrupulous people who have gone on rampage grabbing land after masquerading as political cadres. This sad phenomenon is rampant in the capital city Lusaka...

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March 27, 2014 - 0 Comments

THE growth in Information Communication Technology (ICT), which has led to rapid industrial upscale, has its downside, impacting negatively on the young generation. While ICT is an effective tool for growth in critical sectors of...

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March 25, 2014 - 0 Comments

NORTH-WESTERN Province is a typical case of a rural area where the Government’s efforts need all the people’s support as it strives to improve people’s living standards. The province has already become important to this...

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March 25, 2014 - 0 Comments

THE road has been muddy and rough for workers in Zambia, but they can now sigh with relief following the stringent measures Government is taking to restore order and sanity both to the formal and...

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March 23, 2014 - 0 Comments

THE rising number of Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases makes sad reading especially at a time efforts are being made to rid our societies of the vice. After all the pronouncements made during the commemoration...

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March 23, 2014 - 0 Comments

ACCORDING to healthcare providers, an average child can expect at least 20 vaccinations before the age of 10, with the first doses routinely given soon after birth. Whether or not these vaccines deliver the potentially...

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March 21, 2014 - 0 Comments

  THE local currency, the Kwacha has been in a free fall for some time and it did not augur well for the stability of the Zambian economy.   It has been quite evident from...

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March 20, 2014 - 0 Comments

CHANGE may be hard, but the payoff can be priceless. In addition to improving your financial situation, you may also find that your money management skills can benefit other aspects of your life. This is...

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