Vital tips on New Year’s resolutions
Published On December 28, 2013 » 3157 Views» By Administrator Times » Features
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Beautifully Healthy LogoI WANT to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my Christian friends. As promised last Sunday we are tackling New Year’s resolutions this week and I am so glad that many emailed me in  to share theirs.

Sharon says that next year she is focusing on losing weight and that she hopes to achieve this by eating healthily, controlling her potions and exercising.

Well to Sharon, this is a resolution I am making as well with an addition of lots and tonnes of water (same thing I know but am just emphasising).

Kudos to Joseph who said that my articles have pushed him to pay more attention to his grooming because he now knows that even men must make an effort to look good.

Lastly was Katy who says that as a bride next year, she will be dedicated to her being healthier, developing a regimen and using the correct products for her skin which she describes as sensitive.

I am so glad that people took time to write to me. It is very humbling to see that you are reading this column and following the advice which I try to give.

I compiled a list of some probable health and beauty resolutions because it is a new year and it is always helpful to keep a bench mark of what you want to achieve.

The first and most common resolution people make is to lose weight. Losing weight and fat is among the most popular resolutions and this suggests just how difficult it is to commit to.

Yet you can succeed if you don’t expect overnight success, if you keep a sort of journal tabulating how it’s going or if you have a support system in place.

Get a trusted friend as your support system or join a Facebook group, find someone at the gym who lives near you and has the same goals and you will be on your way.

Speaking of friends and family, keep them close next year. Yes I realise we are busy and there’s Facebook and WhatsApp but did you know a lack of social bonds can damage your health?

As much as alcohol abuse and smoking, and even more obesity and lack of exercise, a 2010 study in the journal PLoS Medicine suggests.

Save money by cutting back on products that you buy because some of them you really do not need, and research on home remedies that you can use for beauty.

I am not saying that you stop buying stuff, I am just saying that being a product junky isn’t healthy for you or your pocket.

Besides, it is time you started thinking for the future anyway, isn’t it? And saving is good because you always have something to fall back on in case of an emergency.

Cut back on your stress which can cause insomnia, depression, obesity, heart disease and more.

Long work hours, little sleep, no exercise, poor diet, and not spending time with family and friends can contribute to stress, says Roberta Lee, MD, the author of The Super Stress Solution.

Be kinder to yourself, look, stop being your biggest critic and go easy on yourself, telling yourself that you are not pretty, talented or rich enough will just make you a surly person.

You know what, on the first day of New Year, take a paper and write a list of 10 things which you consider awesome about you.

It can be your great smile, your kindness; your great dance, moves, your curling tongue. Anything focusing on what’s great about you will make you happier and less focused on the negative.

Cut back on alcohol because in excess it affects the brain’s neurotransmitters and can increase the risk of depression, memory loss, or even seizures.

Chronic heavy drinking boosts your risk of liver and heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and mental deterioration, and even cancers of the mouth, throat, liver and breast.

Take a trip, travel at least, you don’t even have to go outside the country because Zambia has beautiful places to go to.

You can just save up money and go with some friends and split costs and you will have tremendous fun.

Remember the age-old adage that it is the company that counts and not the venue. Well a trip does not necessarily need to be spent in a five-star hotel because you can even find a self-catering lodge.

Next year focus on you and what makes you happy, though I am not saying you should be mean to other people or become unkind.

Remember that the greatest satisfaction you will get from life is the smile after you help someone.

What I mean is that you must not be so concerned about what impresses other people.

If you are tired and cannot walk in heels, wear flat shoes, after all you’re the one who will be nursing the swollen heels.

So next year focus on being happy and healthy. To you my dear friends I will see you next year. It has been great interacting with you on my blog, on twitter@arushapot and in my email at

Love life and love deeply


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