Not very Charmaine!
Published On May 5, 2018 » 2440 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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. Mukata

INCACERATED former Chilanga Member of Parliament (MP) Keith Mukata has expressed disappointment with the adoption by the opposition UPND of his girlfriend, Charmaine Musonda to contest the seat left open by his jailing.
Instead, Mukata, sentenced to death last month for the murder of a security guard working at his premises, is reported to be rooting for the Patriotic Front’s (PF) Maria Langa for the June 5, by-election called to fill the seat he held for the UPND.
Lawyer Mukata is said to have made his position known to former Matero PF MP Miles Sampa, who visited him at Mukobeko Maximum Correctional Facility in Kabwe where he is incarcerated.

Mr Sampa yesterday posted a message on his Facebook page , where he quoted Mutaka backing the candidature of Ms Langa adding that after his visit to Mukobeko, it was; “Safe to say (that) Keith would have endorsed Maria Langa if he had to”.
When reached via telephone to confirm the post, Mr Sampa said, “Yes I visited him and that was his position (to back Ms Langa). He is also disappointed with the adoption of Charmaine Musonda”.
The adoption of Ms Musonda raised debate on social media during the week especially that she was with Mukata when he is said to have killed a security guard at his law firm.
She was jointly charged with Mukata but was later acquitted.

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