Govt commences Zesco transformation measures
Published On November 16, 2018 » 21348 Views» By Times Reporter » Latest News, Stories
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THE Government has commenced implementation measures aimed at transforming Zesco into a more effective and efficient public utility company, Secretary to the Cabinet, Roland Msiska has announced.
Dr Msiska said in a statement yesterday that the gist of the matter was that recently Zesco had been experiencing serious operational challenges.
“Alive to these challenges, Cabinet, in 2017 commissioned a diagnostic study which accordingly made recommendations to ameliorate those challenges,” he said.
He said that arising from the study report, Cabinet, at its meeting held on July 16 2018 approved the recommendations and directed that an implementation team should be constituted to implement the
The overall objective of the recommendation was to turn Zesco into a viable company that will efficiently generate, transmit and distribute electricity to domestic and industrial consumers as well as for export market.
Dr Msiska said that in accordance with the Cabinet directive, the implantation team, which he leads, had started its work in earnest and would regularly update the public and other stakeholders on progress
“As you may be aware Zesco is a wholly state-owned enterprise and will remain so into the foreseeable future,” Dr Msika said.

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