Mashombe Blue Jeans Band continues to pull crowds
Published On December 21, 2018 » 7404 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News
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NGOMA Award winners Mashombe Blue Jeans Band has continued to prove its worth as an award winning outfit by pull crowds at its shows in Southern Province.

The eight-man band has an interesting signature whenever it appears on stage, showing its identity through its trademark costume of blue jean shirts and trousers.

The band, owned by Nebert Mashombe, 59, from Moyo Village in Pemba in Southern Province, mesmerises the audience with its kind of live performances.
Mashombe, a father of 30 children and married two wives, started playing his guitar in 1983 and has now become a household name in Southern Province.

He started performing at various block shows, district and also the provincial shows which made the band popular.

He was usually invited to perform at various traditional functions such as Nkolola and has had functions in Lusaka and Central Province.

He says Chikuni Radio of Monze has promoted his music as it plays and produces some of the musical tapes.

Furthermore, Super Shine of Lusaka has also managed to produce his music from its studio.
His music has continued to attract the masses because of the carrying a message that does not only entertaining people but also educates them.

Mashombe’s music albums tackle messages such as HIV, girls abuse, and early marriages.

The music, mostly sang in Tonga, Bemba and Nyanja, has a huge following among the local people in Southern Province.

His decision to name his group Mashombe Blue Jeans was to have a unique name that also helped to maintain his family’s name to honour his late father.

He appeals for sponsors from the corporate world to assist market his music so that he would be able to acquire musical equipment.

“The music equipment is so expensive. If sponsors can come in, I will be so happy because as a band, we need some music equipment,” he says.

Last week, the Mashombe Blue Jeans performed at the World Vision Zambia celebration to mark the completion of the construction of Moyo Hospital in Pemba.

Even after the event had ended, the audience remained glued to their chairs watching the band

Notable among those who attended the celebrations were Chief Moyo and various officials from WVZ and the civic leaders.

Some of the members of community that had gone to the field were seen rushing back to go and watch the live performance of the Mashombe Blue Jeans.

The event turned out into a fun day for the people of Moyo who watched their local stars share the stage with visiting artist Emmanuel Mpande.

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