‘Whoonga’ headache!
Published On January 21, 2020 » 1473 Views» By Times Reporter » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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HEALTH Authorities are raising serious concerns about what they say is a new phenomenon of drug abuse mostly by young people: anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs) mixed with marijuana in a cocktail called ‘whoonga’.
The authorities say the problem, said to be taking root in South Africa also, is becoming prevalent in the age group 18 -35.
Both University Teaching Hospital (UTH) head psychiatry department Paul Ravi and Pharmaceutical Society of Zambia (PSZ) president Jerome Kanyika confirmed the development in separate interviews.
Dr Ravi said ARVs were fast becoming ‘drugs of misuse’ among youth mixing them with marijuana and other types of illicit drugs to enhance the ‘high’ feeling.

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