Seven core qualities of self-made millionaires
Published On December 28, 2013 » 3541 Views» By Administrator Times » Features
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Breaking Barriers LOGOIF we examined the seven common reasons why people remain poor, it is only right that we also look at the seven common qualities of self-made millionaires.

See, we need to ask ourselves these questions, why are rich people rich? What makes this small number of human beings, some born into the most unimaginable circumstances, turn these around and go on to succeed in their area of calling?

What qualities do they possess that see them through? I know most Pentecostals like me will quickly give the easy “spiritual” answer and that is “the favour and grace of God”!

Whilst that may be a good answer, it always takes way more than just these to reach the top!

I want you to know something… the most amazing thing about being a millionaire is that it is achievable! Yes, it’s that simple!

There are two great assets, or capitals if you like, that are available to every human being that if used correctly will lead to unimaginable riches. These are i) time and ii) information (backed with effort).


The power of information today makes this goal achievable because most rich people have explained how exactly they did it, starting from the days of Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich through to the internet with tons of info, all steps are available to follow.

See, in the past you had to have education, access to libraries and few shared their information and as such it was very difficult to know how to get rich step by step!

And today? Wow! Information is everywhere! Just Google the word “How to get rich” and see what your browser will bring up! Then there are books on the subject, articles like this one, links, coaching sessions from industry leaders like my mentor Robert Kiyosaki and many more! If you are willing to pay the price in what we call “sweat equity” then you will see it come to pass!

Also, today there are more millionaires than at any other time in history – as we speak more are in fact becoming millionaires! Why?

Because the opportunities to become rich have changed with what is being hailed as the new economy. Now you may not have a clue what that is but in short it is the changed financial and social rules that have left many smarting and hurting whilst making many rich!

Yes the rules have changed! They changed around the turn of the century and it has now become a level playing field.

For instance, in the old economy you needed to be in certain geographical locations (like Europe and America) to make it, but with the internet and cyberspace, I can make millions of dollars from people thousands of miles away whilst living in the Third World!

So what am I saying? Opportunities are rife and abundant more than ever before! Yes, with information, timing and effort coupled with discipline, consistency and commitment, you can start making money in many different ways available to you this very minute!

The great speaker and mentor Jim Rohn said and I quote: “The opportunities for wealth creation are abundant today and exemplify grassroots capitalism because they allow anyone to use the one capital they possess, time, coupled with effort to build and achieve abundant wealth”

What opportunities?

There are many opportunities out in cyberspace but I will speak of one that can be utilised online and offline. It is an opportunity that Robert Kiyosaki calls “The business of the 21st century”.

It is an opportunity that has been endorsed by Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, David Bach and even President Bill Clinton! It is called Network Marketing!

Yes, using the power of consumption and leverage, you can commit five or so years of your life to build an asset that will give you great wealth and create passive income for life!

When we speak about passive income and this particular asset, think of a house, if you had to build a house today with the little resources you may have, and you had to build this house dollar by dollar, how long do you think it would take you to finish it? Some say three, five and others even 10 years!

What is my point? It is this one, you will spend lots of time, effort and money to build this house but once it is done and you start renting it out, you will gain great cash flow.

And here’s the whammy, the cost of maintaining that house (some paint here, a broken doorknob there etc) will be far less than your monthly or quarterly income!

This is what network marketing entails, spend three to seven years building it and then spend the rest of your life earning a steady cash flow from it – passively!

However, in spite of having opportunities like the above-mentioned, there are some intrinsic qualities that cannot be ignored or overlooked!

These are absolutely crucial if one wants to be successful. It has been shown repeatedly that all human beings that ever became great and left a lasting legacy had almost all these qualities.

Without them, you are bound to remain in mediocrity for life!

They are: Honesty, self-discipline, likeability, a supportive spouse, hard work, doing what one loves most and the ability to sell!

But believe me when I say they are absolutely crucial to your success and progress! If you want to become rich, why re-invent the wheel?

Simply copy what all the successful people have been doing before you! Yes, it’s a matter of duplication!

Learn from others before you choose a leader or mentor to model and then follow the precise and exact steps they took or even better, have them coach you! Success is when opportunity meets those that are prepared when the student is ready; the master will soon show up!

Think you have what it takes to create abundant wealth? Then follow the link below.

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