Musonda wins Zanji Ndola Closed Darts tourney
Published On November 16, 2021 » 4597 Views» By Times Reporter » Others
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• NEW KID ON THE BLOCK: Sandra Kasebeleka shows off her silver medal from the Zanji Ndola Closed darts tournament held at the weekend. On her left is Ndola Deputy Mayor Lackson Chisenga and tournament sponsor Moses Sikombe on the right while Ndola District Darts League chairperson Sichaliso Sitali looks on. Picture by SHAMAOMA MUSONDA

INDENI’S James Musonda took home two gold medals after winning the Zanji Ndola Closed Darts tournament singles event as well as the doubles title after partnering with club mate Maureen Chikumbi.
But the talk was all about youngster Sandra Kasebeleka, who took the singles silver medal, despite this year being her first season in playing the sport but beat several experienced players on her way to the final to face Musonda.

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