Revivo wins kudos from patients
Published On March 1, 2014 » 3793 Views» By Administrator Times » Features
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AIDS LOGOTHIS week, I will share the email message that I received from the Revivo Team, a US-based organisation that deals in various supplements that help to boost immunity of people living with HIV and AIDS. The mail reads:
Hi Enock Ngoma, in the last email I told you why Revivo is considered the best immune supplement in the world.
I told you about the quality of our ingredients as well as the fact that some of the ingredients we use are so expensive and hard to get that other manufacturers simply won’t use them.
In this email I want to talk about full blown AIDS. Now, you are aware that we never claim that Revivo is a treatment or cure for AIDS or HIV, yet, thousands who have HIV or AIDS are using it and in fact swear by it.
We receive testimonials daily that tell us how much better people are feeling after using Revivo, with many even recovering from full blown AIDS after using it.
Now please understand, we don’t recommend that people stop using their medication.
We are just explaining why Revivo is so beneficial for someone who has a very weak immune system or full blown AIDS.
When a person has full blown AIDS, the body’s immune system is not capable of fighting off infections.
There are too many invaders and not enough immune cells to attack them.
The problem is that at this stage most of the medication that is given to patients doesn’t do anything to strengthen the immune system, they only try to attack the HIV virus.
While this is good, the fact is that the patient keeps on getting weaker and weaker.
What is needed is medication to strengthen the patient and attack the infection at the same time.
Revivo does this and more, and the reason it can is because of Reishi mushroom.
You won’t find Reishi mushroom in many immune supplements, and the reason is because it is a rare and expensive mushroom that is difficult to find and harvest.
But it is undoubtedly the best herb in the world to save a person from dying of immune weakness and it is one of the main reasons why Revivo is so effective at bringing people back from the brink of death.
In one study a patient had a CD4 count of only 4, but within 60 days of using Reishi had a count of 170 cells, which is more than a 4,000% increase. Another patient’s CD4+ count was 88 and went to 470 cells in the same time period.
But Reishi not only raises CD count, it can also treat cancer and significantly boost energy and body strength so that the body can fight the infection and stay alive.
Revivo also contains other ingredients besides Reishi, which makes it actually have 4 different effects in the body:
1. Boosts the immune response
2. Fights infections directly
3. Reduces side-effects of ARV therapy
4. Treats associated symptoms of immune weakness and AIDS
Other immune products on the market normally only have one effect, which is to help the immune system, but since Revivo does this and more we find people with full blown AIDS or other severe immune weakness often make a surprising recovery when using it.
For more information on Revivo you can visit or follow them  on Facebook: Revivo Facebook Page
On February 20, 2013, Lister Ndumba of ZANI shared the following story with me from Kafue: STEPS OVC in Kafue says strengthening the capacity of Zambian communities by providing sustainable HIV and AIDS prevention, care and support services will help improve the livelihood of the communities in the district.
STEPS OVC stands for Sustainability through Economic Strengthening, Prevention and Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children.
STEPS OVC Kafue district coordinating leader Michael Lungu who is also Rise Community Aid (RICAP) Programme manager said this during a stakeholders meeting held at the district administration offices in Kafue.
Mr Lungu said some of the economic measures the organisation has put in place are forming community savings groups, providing assistance for increased crop yields (agriculture strategy), facilitating links to markets and business opportunities.
He added that STEPS OVC has embarked on capacity building for local organisations to strengthen their management skills and practices to sustain HIV prevention, care and support services as well as economic strengthening initiatives in their communities.
Mr Lungu revealed that STEPS OVC works with the Zambian Prevention Initiative on developing, testing and scaling up prevention activities and help community members adopt HIV/AIDS prevention behaviours.
A participant Luwi Selekanya said the skills and knowledge attained will help improve service delivery in the community.
She appealed to government to accommodate care givers in the formal employment.
The stakeholders meeting attracted 13 NGOs from Chilanga and Kafue districts.
For comments and any other information on HIV and AIDS and any health issues, do not hesitate to contact me on or call/SMS +260955883143

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