Effects of media on parenting (Pt1)
Published On March 1, 2014 » 1994 Views» By Administrator Times » Features
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More than fortnight ago we started to look at the subject of parents as protectors; protecting their beloved children from the negative influences of the media.
We shall start by establishing a common definition of what media is. Media is simply a way or means of conveying information from one end to another or from one person to another.
Information is transmitted for among other reasons to educate state or express opinion, merely to inform, to give instruction or influence thought.
When we talk media influence with regard to parenting – we are in fact talking about information that our children get exposed to, that which sets in motion thought or thinking patterns from which action is derived.
Media influence is not necessary a bad thing but the cause for which our children are predisposed is what our source of concern, that is, is it having a positive or negative effect (though waiting to see effects is not a very prudent and proactive approach).
No millennium, century, decade has known such technological advancements in media such as the one we live in, what we have in terms of media is over and above what generations before had in a far much improved and condensed version.
With the ability to combine the various aspects (such as; sound, visual and text) into a single form….and it keeps getting better the other notable facet is the improved agility to tailor design information to suit the various age groups from when our children are tots to when they get to be teenagers and all the way through to adulthood and beyond.
The two gigantic questions we ought to wrestle with as parents and guardians are;
1. Who actually sets the agenda for the media that our children are exposed to what values do they seek to espouse?
2. Is there anything that the parents or the caring guardians can do about negative influences of the media on their children and guardians respectively or is it a case where we are hopeless and all we have to do is watch and glide with the trends?
Starting with the first question various persons and groups line up to set media agendas for various people groups as well as that for our children, Unfortunately, most of these individuals or groups  do not conform or agree with our philosophy and our values as parents…for example it is odd how that certain programmes on TV can depict what parents consider as mischief as fun, or premarital sex and profanity as something really cool… Opposing and corroding the very morals we esteem so highly and desire our children holdfast.
You might be appalled to know that not all cartoons or animated movies are as innocent they appear some have a sneaky way in which the incite and encourage Children to despise ideals that their well meaning parents stand for as well as insulting parental authority.
Can we say for sure that we are ok with the programmes that our little boys and girls watch on those paid for cable TV channels?
Are we comfortable with the sites that our teenage children visit on the smart phone or tablet we bought for them are safe?
Or do you really agree and trust the TV programme ratings … all these questions are to help us re-think media with regard to parenting…
If information guides thoughts and thoughts are the compass for action and behaviour then you will agree that information our children are exposed to determine the conduct thereof.
We shall labour to explore and try to answer the second question on how we can actually set a media agenda for our children and determine if at all there is something that we can do about it.
About The Writer; Tenda Kamba is a parent, a Sunday school Teacher.
For comments and suggestions email: tendakamba@yahoo.com, mobile 0962 843443

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