One abductor not fit to stand trial, court hears
Published On April 18, 2023 » 2878 Views» By Times Reporter » HOME SLIDE SHOW, PHOTOS OF THE WEEK, SHOWCASE
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•TWO suspected abductors Matthews Sikaonga and James Bwalya implicated in the disappearance of the 13 women, leaving the Supreme Court building in Lusaka yesterday. Picture by EMILY KUWEMA

A PSYCHIATRIST from Chainama Hills Hospital has told the court that one of the accused in a case two men face 54 counts of abduction and rape cannot stand trial because he has an anti-social personality disorder whose origin can be traced from his childhood.
The accused persons James Bwalya and Mathews Sikaonga, are alleged to have committed 13 counts of aggravated robbery, 13 counts of rape, 12 of prohibition to trafficking persons, 12 for assault and two for adduction.

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