Parley’s cash watchdog fumes at Immigration wing
Published On March 6, 2014 » 2635 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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THE Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) yesterday heard how the Immigration Department in 2012 delayed to bank revenue amounting to K1 million and US$70, 000 for more than five months due to non-availability of banking facilities near revenue collection points.
Among the collection points cited for delayed banking were the Immigration Department headquarters, which delayed to bank revenue amounting to K553,950 for more than 140 days, and other stations, bringing the total amount to K1,033,004 and $77, 060.
This angered the Committee chaired by MMD Chipangali Member of Parliament Vincent Mwale, who questioned the possibility of the Immigration Department headquarters delaying to bank such a huge amount of money when their offices were five minutes away from banking facilities.
This followed Home Affairs Permanent Secretary Emeldah Chola’s submission that the delay in banking by various Immigration Department offices was due to non-availability of banking facilities near the revenue collection points.
“The delayed banking by various stations was due to non-availability of banking facilities near the revenue collecting points and lack of transport coupled with inadequate funding experienced during the year under review,” Brigadier General Chola said.

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