Seeds must first die! – (Pt II)
Published On April 19, 2014 » 1604 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » Features
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Breaking Barriers LOGOUnless a seed falls to the ground and dies, there can be no new beginning! Indeed adversity is the sign of greater things to come.
Friction and hostility are the ingredients under which legacies are born.
When something faces opposition, if the force is greater than the opposition, it will move in the direction of least resistance.
That direction will be the new era, the birth desired and the result sought after.
Resistance also gives much needed experience on how to avoid that particular path in future!
There are four phases in this fourth principle, namely death, germination, gestation and breakthrough. We studied death and part of germination, thus let us conclude that and the latter two.
#2: Germination
Did you know that when your situation seems bleak, these are birth pangs of a new birth on the way?
Unless the tenant becomes irked by the conditions of his dwelling, there can be no change.
Change can only come in two ways, that being to either pressure the landlord into repairing the problems or moving to a better house!
If you truly cannot stand where you are now in life, then you have been in labor and have not realised that this is God’s way of telling you to move onto the birth canal.
Did you know that no woman can remain in labor indefinitely?
If that condition persists, death is inevitable, being of the mother, the baby or both.
If you remain in a position of pain, either you die, your dream dies or both! If you are reading this and abhor your circumstances surrounding you today, you are in the germination phase and need to examine your options and determine what the best way out of that quagmire is.
Bear in mind though that pain is necessary as a precursor to birth, so use the pain to lead you to a course most desired, not of least resistance!
Often times, the solution to that pain stares you in the face but instead, most opt to keep trying the old and beaten methods that have kept them in bondage.
As Anon put it, “for one to make new discoveries they must be willing to leave the shores of familiarity and sail into the unknown seas of opportunity”.
However fear remains our greatest foe.
To be or not to be, that is the question and shall remain the question for most throughout their lives.
#3: Gestation
Perhaps amongst all the four phases, this is the most dreaded and the one stage that breaks all but the most persistent individuals.
It is that stage when you have followed all the right things, gotten the right environment and then planted your seeds in the right ground.
After all this then comes the waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
Reminds me of loading a video with slow internet connection.
This stage is necessary because the seed must draw all the relevant nutrients from its environment in the ground where it lays dying.
With death then comes birth and gestation.
It starts to grow within, but those on the outside cannot see what is going on inside.
Let me use this “gestation” phase to speak about incomes and liken them to plants.
There are two major types of incomes, these being reciprocal and residual incomes.
Reciprocal income is one you get paid for when you do work; exert effort over a period of time. All jobs fall into this category.
Many businesses such as trading fall here too. I liken reciprocal income to planting maize.
You have a quick harvest (short term gain) and then you repeat the process at the next planting season.
So, plant maize, harvest in three to six months, repeat the process. If there is no rain that year or you get sick and can’t show up at work, no pay, no income!
With residual income, this is the income you build through doing something once.
Great examples would be a house, authoring of books/music.
You create once (expending lots of energy, effort and time) and then you release into the market.
It can stay earning even long after you die.
This can be likened to planting orchards (apples, grapes, oranges etc.), they can take on average between five to ten years before you see the first fruits but once those fruit come, they will stay coming for a very long time, in many cases outliving the planter for generations afterwards!
The greatest secret about long term gestation and its surety of harvest is watering and tending that ground wherein the seed lies!
It is sad that many people quit at the eleventh hour, when their breakthrough was literally around the corner!
If that seed takes time, consider that the strengthening of the fruit tree to come.
Remember, grape vines and apple trees will give you far more valuable fruit and returns than maize ever will. But like the saying goes, “all great gains must be preceded by great losses”.
You must be willing to lose time, effort and money in order to gain great wealth in the long run, the greater the sacrifice, the sweeter the reward.
#4: Breakthrough
When the seed is born, it must face the first greatest barrier, that being the very ground into which it is born.
That ground will resist it and envelope it in darkness.
Darkness promotes rot and degeneration, the very elements necessary for growth, for with opposition comes change.
With change comes evolution and adaptation.
Since seeds need light and the roots water, there starts the perennial hunt for water (downwards) and light (upwards).
Adversity is good, resistance is necessary, opposition is cardinal! When you see these things, lift your head up high, find your way through (do not make this your home) and soldier on, for your light will break forth like the bright morning sun and your legacy shall be birthed like the springs of the mighty Zambezi River!
Plant that seed!
I will soon be launching the most audacious training consisting mastermind classes, mentoring and coaching to ever come to Zambia with strategies that will transform and empower those who take part.
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