Published On April 21, 2014 » 3267 Views» By Moses Kabaila Jr: Online Editor » PHOTOS OF THE WEEK
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•HOME Affairs Minister Ngosa Simbyakula (insert) accompanied by Deputy Inspector General of Zambia Police Service Solomon Jere during an inspection of new Marine equipment in Lusaka which the Government has acquired for the Police Service. Picture by NAKUBIANA SHABONGO

•HOME Affairs Minister Ngosa Simbyakula (insert) accompanied by Deputy Inspector General of Zambia Police Service Solomon Jere during an inspection of new Marine equipment in Lusaka which the Government has acquired for the Police Service. Picture by NAKUBIANA SHABONGO

•HOME Affairs Minister Ngosa Simbyakula (insert) accompanied by Deputy Inspector General of Zambia Police Service Solomon Jere during an inspection of new Marine equipment in Lusaka which the Government has acquired for the Police Service. Picture by NAKUBIANA SHABONGO

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