Brothers appear in court over mom’s murder
Published On May 8, 2014 » 4316 Views» By Moses Kabaila Jr: Online Editor » Latest News, Stories
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THE two incarcerated brothers, Emmanuel Katongo Junior, 21, and his 18-year-old brother charged with murder of their biological mother in Kitwe some two weeks ago yesterday appeared in a magistrate court for mention.
The two brothers were arrested on April 27, this year in connection with the brutal murder of their mother, Ethel Gondwe Katongo, a deputy head teacher at Ishuko Primary School in Kitwe.
The late Ms Katongo was brutally murdered and her husband seriously wounded at their residence in Mukuba-Natwange house number MN 33 in the early hours of Saturday, April 26, 2014.
The two brothers, who were arrested in connection with the murder and wounding of their parents, yesterday appeared in court but the offence was however not read because the responsible magistrate was not present.
Meanwhile, the district administration premises in town where the magistrate courts are located was yesterday in the morning a hive of activity as people including civil servants abandoned their chores to catch a glimpse of the two brothers.
Curious on-lookers besieged the court premises.
•A PROSECUTOR (left) escorts Emmanuel Katongo Junior (coat in hand) to appear before the Kitwe Magistrate Court yesterday for the alleged murder of his mother, Ethel Katongo, a deputy head teacher at Ishuko Basic School in Kitwe. Picture by MOFFAT CHAZINGWA.

•A PROSECUTOR (left) escorts Emmanuel Katongo Junior (coat in hand) to appear before the Kitwe Magistrate Court yesterday for the alleged murder of his mother, Ethel Katongo, a deputy head teacher at Ishuko Basic School in Kitwe. Picture by MOFFAT CHAZINGWA.
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