Macha Road contractor should speed up works
Published On May 14, 2014 » 1925 Views» By Administrator Times » Letters to the Editor
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OUR roads in Choma are in a deplorable state and the road leading to Macha is a danger to the environment and health of the residents there.
The dust that is emitted causes a lot of infections and this is become expensive to the tax payer in terms of medication that is given to people who get sick.
So let the contractor who is working on the road to speed up works.
I know funds have been disbursed for the works; so let there be no roadblocks in the process. Let us avoid  retrogressive politics among local authorities Choma has a lot of such leaders who are in the opposition political parties and do not  want the town to develop for fear that it may become a PF strong-hold.
It is wickedness to think like that!.This is a provincial capital but its infrastructure belies that claim.

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