Teen mom poisons own baby (2)
Published On June 20, 2014 » 1697 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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AN eighteen-year-old mother of Chingola has poisoned and killed her two-year-old child in unclear circumstances.
The teenage mother is believed to have administered doom pesticide to her child, killing her instantly and later took the same poison as well.
Copperbelt police chief Joyce Kasosa confirmed the incident which happened around 15:00 hours on Wednesday.
Ms Kasosa said the teen mother of Chabanyama Township, in a suspected suicide bid poisoned her child and later consumed the poison herself.
“We have a case where an 18-year-old woman administered some poisonous substance to her two-year-old child who died on the spot,” she said.
Ms Kasosa said the girl was admitted to Nchanga North Hospital and that her condition was critical.
She said police were still investigating the matter.

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