Observe transfer rules-FAZ tells clubs
Published On July 2, 2014 » 1693 Views» By Administrator Times » Football, Sports
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THE Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) has urged clubs in pursuit of their prospective players to observe the transfer regulations during the three-week transfer window that started on Tuesday, July 1.
FAZ communications manager Nkweto Tembwe said in an interview yesterday that it was the Football House’s desire to ensure that the transfer window that closes at midnight on July 21 was incident free.
Tembwe said FAZ would not take kindly against any player, agent or club that abrogates the transfer rules.
“Now that the transfer window has opened, we urge all the clubs to conduct their business in the stipulated time which runs till 23.59 hours on 21st July 2014. We also urge that all the regulations relating to transfers are followed as we intend this to be an incident free transfer window,” he said.
Tembwe said clubs and players must not hesitate to consult Football House should there be any doubts.
“Our doors are open now and will remain open throughout the season in a quest to ensure the smooth operation of transfers in the Zambian Market,” he said.
Tembwe said there was need to ensure that the contractual disputes that arise between players and clubs are avoided this time around.
“We don’t get involved in the transfer of players but our interest is that things should be done smoothly. It will be vital for the players, agents and clubs to know what they are going into so that we avoid issue that arise as a result of lack of clarity in contracts,” he said.

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