State should ignore coalition
Published On January 7, 2014 » 2765 Views» By Administrator Times » Letters to the Editor
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I have been privileged as a Christian to have been involved in the building of church structures in many places.

What I have observed each time a church minister talks about building is that there is a lot of resistance to the extent that in some cases, ministers have been locked out or transferred.

The second thing I have observed is that when a building project is starting, skeptics who claim to speak on behalf of others later turn out to have been speaking alone.

What is surprising is that when the project is completed, the people who opposed it will be the first ones to want to take credit.

During official dedication, these people will be all over, often over-shadowing everyone.

I am therefore not surprised to learn that a group of Zambians have formed a coalition mainly for the purpose of discrediting the ongoing constitution-making process.

As far as I am concerned, this should not make the Government lose sleep.

The truth is, when the whole thing started, most Zambians could be heard saying it was a waste of resources.

No one ever believed this would be achieved, more so by a Sata-led government.

Now that President Sata is about to deliver a people driven Constitution, what do you expect those who doubted to do? You want them left out? So what do they do?

Off course join the coalition.The saying is true that success is a virtue while failure is an orphan.

Mukuka Chilufya


Mine township

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