FRA offloads 47,000 tonnes of maize
Published On January 7, 2014 » 3032 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News
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THE Food Reserve Agency (FRA) has so far approved 35 applications from millers countrywide, for the purchase of 47,188 tonnes of maize to mitigate mealie meal shortages and stabilise prices of the commodity.

FRA public relations officer Daniel M’soka said in Ndola yesterday that the agency had since released 47,188 tonnes from the 50,000 tonnes recently allocated to millers.

“At its first and second sitting on December 26 and 27, 2013, the FRA Maize Sales Committee approved applications from 23 millers representing 30,838 tonnes of maize.

“While at its third sitting recently on January 2, 2014, the committee approved applications from 12 millers representing 16,250 tonnes of maize, bringing the total offered so far by the FRA to both millers and communities to 47,188 tonnes,” Mr M’soka said.

He said in addition, the FRA has offered maize to various districts through the Community Maize Sales Programme coordinated by District Commissioners.

Mr M’soka said the agency has appealed to applicants who have not yet collected their offer letters and signed the contracts of sale to immediately contact the FRA Legal Department as these were ready.

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