Ministers condemn match fixing
Published On July 24, 2014 » 1639 Views» By Administrator Times » Others, Sports
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In Glasgow, Scotland
THE Commonwealth Council of Ministers has condemned match-fixing, saying it should have no place in sports.
Sports Permanent secretary Agness Musunga said in an interview after attending the meeting that the ministers also called for a stop to racial discrimination.
She said the meeting resolved that there was need for offenders to be punished by ensuring that stiffer laws were enforced.
Musunga said the ministers agreed to protect the integrity of the sport by promoting good governance and strengthening laws aimed at curbing match fixers.
She said the ministers agreed that the post 2015 development agenda needs to have a specific goal on sports for development and peace.
Musunga said there was need to have a specific goal aimed at attaining sports for development and peace if sports and the youths were recognised as key in terms of sports development.
She said the meeting observed that a lot still needed to be done if the role sports plays in development was to be appreciated especially that the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) run up to 2015.
“We have reached a stage where the MDG’s are up in 2015 and we need to look at what has been achieved in terms of implementation and what was agreed upon. But not all MDG’s have been meet and as such we need to ensure that the Post 2015 development agenda has specific goals on sports development,” she said.

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