ICC World Cup U-19 cricket squad picked
Published On July 24, 2014 » 2148 Views» By Administrator Times » Others, Sports
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A FOURTEEN member-strong Zambia under-19 cricket team has been named for next month’s ICC Pepsi Africa Division Two World Cup qualifying tournament.
The squad includes the four spinners who underwent some special training in South Africa.
Zambia Cricket Union (ZCU president Reuben Chama, who released the team list in Lusaka yesterday, said veteran coach Robert Kumwenda would drill the squad for the August 8-18 tournament to be hosted in Zambia with team manager being Ng’andu Yandikani.
Chama also said apart from the 14 players picked from a provision team of 24, there was another set of four players who would be on standby should anything happen to the bowlers, batters, fielders or wicketkeepers in the squad.
“We have named a final team of 14 players who will represent us at this important qualifier that we shall host. We have full confidence in the coach Kumwenda and Yandikani, the team manager. We believe this group will deliver,” he said.
The ICC Pepsi Africa Under-19 Division Two World Cup qualifier will be competed by seven countries.
ZCU through the Haroon Ghumra-led Local Organising Committee is looking for K180,000 to host the tournament.
Chama was happy that the final team was finally in place which would accord the coach more than two weeks to prepare the players for the event.
The four spinners, whomICC sent for specialised two months ago are Chetan Reddy, Chimya Chilekwa, Tristan De Wet and Kanswe Omala.
Other members of the team are David Mawila, Misheck Malama, Usher Simwinga, James Chembo, Musonda Yambayamba, Jonathan Chisembele, Lucky Lubinga, Bornface Siasipa, Mario Nithyanath and Ayushi Patel.
The four on standby are Levy Mwila, Obbrey Lwando, Tian Pieterse and Suhail Baig.

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