‘Govt won’t be pushed’…Sata says Constitution-making process hijacked
Published On January 9, 2014 » 3751 Views» By Administrator Times » HOME SLIDE SHOW, PHOTOS OF THE WEEK, SHOWCASE
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PRESIDENT Michael Sata has said the Constitution-making process has been hijacked by individuals bent on embarrassing, humiliating and politically undermining the sovereign will of the Zambian people.

The President said the recent biased political manoeuvres surrounding the Constitution-making process confirmed the ill-intentions of the people at the helm of this misplaced crusade.

He said in a statement released by his Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations George Chellah yesterday that it was unfortunate that the Constitution-making process had been hijacked.

“Right from the start, this Government has been dedicated to the process, no wonder the committee handling the matter was left without any interference.

“But it’s clear that the well-intended process has been hijacked to embarrass, humiliate and politically undermine the will and interest of the majority of Zambians,” he said.

Mr Sata said the country already had a functional Constitution in place and that the Government would not be pushed into fast and reckless conclusions on the new document by individuals with dubious agendas.

“Thus, as elected representatives and custodians of the Zambian people’s interests, we feel duty bound to protect the masses from those that have hijacked this noble process.

“We contend that with the current political schemes and ill-intentions, it will be highly irresponsible for us as people’s representatives to authorise the release of this document before it goes through Cabinet,” the President said.

The president’s remarks have been prompted by civil society organisations (CSOs) threatening to stage countrywide protests over what they perceive to be delays in releasing the draft Constitution to the public.

The CSOs have been mobilising themselves to stage countrywide demonstrations to press the Technical Committee on Drafting the Constitution to release the document to the President and the public.

The CSOs, the Church, opposition political parties and other stakeholders on Saturday held protest prayers to press for the simultaneous release of the draft Constitution

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