Chiefs key to growth – Kabimba
Published On August 17, 2014 » 1983 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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. Kabimba

. Kabimba

By SYLVESTER MWALE in Mangango –
JUSTICE Minister Wynter Kabimba has reiterated Government’s recognition of traditional leaders as vehicles of development.
Mr Kabimba said, when he paid a courtesy call on Chief Mwene Mutondo in Western Province, that President Michael Sata was the first President to recognise the importance of traditional leaders in Zambia.
Mr Kabimba said while the MMD was equally committed to using traditional leaders for development, the former ruling party did not match its words with actions.
“This Government will not undermine the authority of any chiefdom because our manifesto has stated that traditional authorities are partners in development,” he said.
Mr Kabimba, who is also PF secretary general, said President Sata had demonstrated that he was ready to take development in all areas even to those who did not vote for him.
He noted that while the PF had only two Parliamentary seats in Western Province after the 2011 elections, President Sata had continued to embrace the people in the area.
“Therefore, we want the royal establishment to reciprocate by working with Government. This is an opportunity for you to have a Member of Parliament who can be a minister,” he said.
Mr Kabimba said it was the feeling of President Sata that the party had been rejected despite the many developmental projects currently taking place in Western Province.
Chief Mwene Mutondo called for peaceful campaigns ahead of the Mangango by- elections on Tuesday.
The traditional leader also said he was not interested in the confusion surrounding the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) because his subjects believed in the motto of ‘one Zambia one nation’.
He pledged that his subjects were ready to support the Government because they were interested in developing in the area.
The traditional leader also asked the state to consider including the Nkoya in the school curriculum to ensure that the tradition was kept upfront.
Earlier, Induna Nanyondo appealed for inclusion of the Nkoya in Government.
He said lack of Nkoyas in the administration has disadvantaged them in development of Kaoma District.

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