Simwanda dumps ZRU
Published On September 5, 2014 » 2955 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » Rugby, Sports
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. Musunka

. Musunka

ZAMBIA Rugby Union (ZRU) committee member, Sam Simwanda has quit his position barely two weeks after vice-president Owen Mhango and committee member Moono Muleya resigned less than a year into their second term of office.
Simwanda, who was elected during the 2014 elective annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Chililabombwe, confirmed his resignation in an interview yesterday citing personal reasons.
The Red Arrows Rugby Club director of training has, however, said he would concentrate on contributing to the development of rugby at club level.
“Yes I can confirm that I have stepped down as Zambia Rugby Union committee member for personal reasons and I have since written to the Union but I am still waiting for the response,” he said.
Simwanda and Muleya have cited personal reasons behind their resignations while Mhango brought out a number of reasons behind him quitting his post among them being the failure by the union among to host the flagship Castle 7s international over the last three years.
ZRU president Martin Musunka confirmed receipt of Simwanda’s resignation letter and
thanked him for his contributions to the union.
Musunka said the union had co-opted former Ndola Wanderers chairperson Phasion Chiwara and Green Eagles secretary Mwangula Lupupa as committee members to fill up the void created by the resignations.
He said the two appointments would be subject for ratification at the ZRU council meeting set for Kabwe next Saturday.
“We have co-opted two members into the committee with Mwangula Lupupa and Phasion Chiwara coming in as committee members for now, but will be able to fill up the position of vice president in the due course,” Musunka said.
He said the executive committee would present a report to the councillors at the council meeting on the current status of the union.
“At the council meeting, we will chart the way forward on the challenges faced by the union and the performance of the local league as well as the performance of national team at international tournaments,” he said.

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