The three viruses (P1)
Published On September 13, 2014 » 1409 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » Features
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Breaking Barriers LOGOOne of my favorite fairy tales has got to be Pinocchio. I am most certain you know the story. It’s about a woodcarver named Geppetto who once created a puppet named Pinocchio and tried his best to take care of this puppet but the puppet always seemed to get into the wrong company and ended up doing wrong things which in turn had consequences that drove him further and further into trouble.
The highlight and thus thread of the whole story lies in one key event. Pinocchio wanted to become a real boy but the Blue Fairy told him that this would happen when he learnt to be a good boy and did all the things he was supposed to do.
One would only imagine this to be a simple enough task right? Wrong! With our little hero he just seemed to have the knack of getting into wrong company, wrong deeds and these always led him to circumstances and repercussions that he would have gladly avoided – had he just followed all the advice he would be given regularly!
Kind of makes you wonder why he would keep doing wrong things knowing perfectly well that they would lead him further away from the truth and the goodness of life that he really wanted – to become a real boy. In spite of the times he would try, it’s almost as if something would come and take over his better sense of judgment and before he knew it, there he would be, getting into trouble again!
The moral of the story?
He would have been turned into a real boy much earlier if only – and this is the clincher – if only he had obeyed his maker and followed the good advice given to him by the Blue Fairy! You have to read the book to learn what he did and how he overcame this vice!
This brings me to people and viruses. Did you know that most people suffer from the same things that Pinocchio did? Most of us know perfectly well what to do but do not do it. Instead we keep going down the wrong path – and the scary part is that we see it and recognize that we are on the wrong course – but keep plummeting down the spiral that leads to poverty and regret!
So why do we do so?
I believe it is because many people – the majority come to think of it – are infected with three viruses that are messing up their hardwiring and internal programming. These viruses have taken over and caused a perpetuation of their agenda.
What are these viruses?
In order to properly breakdown my points here, we need to understand the characteristics of a virus. I am not speaking of a medical virus, but a computer virus.
A computer virus is a computer programme that can replicate itself and spread from one computer to another.  Any virus will by definition make unauthorised changes to a computer, which is undesirable even if no damage is done or intended.
I believe many people are also infected with this kind of virus, the kind that messes up with one’s mental and spiritual programming so that they lose focus and get to perpetuate misery and failure. The saddest part is that they don’t even realise they are infected!
The four key characteristics of a viral infection are
Replication of the virus
Bad ideas and concepts can begin to replicate in the mind of individuals and feed off the environment through negative programming. I have mentioned on many occasions that thoughts are things and if they are given room, they will always grow. Whatever you focus on – expands. It is in this way that ideas, concepts, memes are received and processed within one’s mind.
Spreading from one computer to another
These bad ideas and concepts are spread from one mind to another through the medium of sound and vision. In short it is through what you see and hear. Whatever we allow into our minds will deposit seeds. Those seeds will grow with time and if they are nurtured (tended by watering and tilling – through remaining exposed to the source or items related to the source). If we keep exposing ourselves to these sources, it’s just a matter of time before we are fully infected and an extension of that source, ready to infect other minds we come into contact with through sight and sound.
Unauthorised changes to the internal programming
Negative programming will inevitably lead to negative thinking, which manifests as negative speaking and feelings. Recall we said what you focus on expands right? Well, with enough “seed”, your thinking will change, that in turn will affect your feelings, which inevitably will begin to manifest in your feelings and speech. At this stage you are ripe and ready to become a vector of the viruses – spreading them to the next unsuspecting victim.
Undesirable results
In the long run the above will lead to negative actions which bring about negative results. Thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions peppered with your words, and actions lead to results. The real question is what kind of results? Our beliefs are the most powerful factor behind our results because they inevitably affect every arena of our lives. It does not matter what you may like to see, if your beliefs are infected with these negative viruses, they will still mess with your final results regardless.
Unfortunately most people are unaware that they have been programmed for failure because they are infected with viruses. These viruses are messing their internal programming by locking down and erasing the good programmes and replacing them with the malware obtained through the medium of sound and vision.
The three major viruses are the “blame” virus, “the eat-now-pay-later” virus and the “hope-to-get-lucky” virus. These viruses affect immensely our congruency and instead perpetuate negative results. Look out next week when I am going to define each virus fully and give you the antidotes for each one of them.
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