Mopani ups 2015 Open prize money
Published On October 18, 2014 » 3056 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » Others, Sports
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. Mutati

. Mutati

A SUM of US$300,000 (about K1, 9 million) has been staked as total prize money for the 2015 Mopani Redpath Zambia Open Golf Championship to be held at Nkana Golf Club next April.
Organising committee chairperson Emmanuel Mutati said yesterday during the unveiling ceremony held at Nkana Golf Club in Kitwe that the prize money was US$50,000 more than this year’s total package.
Mutati said the budget for next year’s tournament will be announced next month.
“I would like to say thank you once again to Mopani who have partnered with Redpath Mining to co-sponsor the Zambia Open 2015 golf tournament to a staggering sum of US$ 300,000 beating the 2014 record figure of US$ 250, 000,” Mutati said.
Meanwhile, almost the entire 2014 Zambia Open organising committee has been retained for next year’s event with two changes that includes one appointment following the death of an executive member.
Mutati said that the organising committee members were humbled to be retained to oversee next year’s tournament.
The committee will see Elario Musonda continue as vice chairperson, Aloloysius Phiri is manager tournament while Phil Harrold is vice chairperson sponsorship. London Mwafulilwa has replaced the late Hangomba Hangomba as sponsorship manager.
Zambia Golf Union (ZGU) vice president north Moses Chitoshi will continue to represent the union on the organising committee.
Others are treasurer Cephas Mwanza, Lynot Tangayi will be in charge of information technology, Cephas Sinyangwe will head the public relations department while Grey Sakala is the clubhouse manager.
Tom Callow is the security manager with Robinson Kunda to oversee transport while Ashley Matani will head administration.
Matani will be assisted by Lynette Simuchimba who replaces Sue McManus while Chris Mpundu is bar manager. The catering manager position will be filled at a later date.
“I appreciate the confidence that the Union has shown in me that again they have accorded me this rare opportunity to lead a team of highly committed men and women that will ensure that we deliver a very successful 2015 Golf Tournament,” Mutati said.

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