Sata on Facebook…Presidential page gets big response
Published On January 18, 2014 » 3764 Views» By Administrator Times » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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.President Sata


IN an effort to enhance the flow of information between State House and the general public, President Michael Sata has opened a Facebook page which would enable citizens interact with the Head of State.

The unprecedented move would enable any person interact with the President and provide a platform where ideas of development are expected to take centre stage.

The move espouses the Head of State’s desire to interact with citizens beyond the walls of State House by embracing social media contrary to assertions that he was opposed to the notion.

President Sata’s Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations George Chellah yesterday announced the launch of the official presidential Facebook page hosted at www/

And in his inaugural message, Mr Sata said the move to set up the page was aimed at informing the citizens about his thoughts and ideas on various issues.

“My friends on Facebook, today, I have decided to network and connect with you by means of this platform. This page will enable you to have a glimpse of my thoughts and ideas on various issues relating to our great nation. Let’s interact!” the first post read.

By 17:00 yesterday the site had over 9,000 likes with people sharing their views, both positive and negative. Mr Sata later posted that he had sent Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga to officially hand over a housing unit project in Kitwe.

“Good morning friends. I have this morning sent my Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Hon. Yamfwa Mukanga to Kitwe to officially handover 57 low-cost houses (with electricity, water supply and flashable toilets) and two churches in Ipusukilo and Kawama Townships, including a 1.5-kilometre access road in Mufuchani area of the city of Kitwe.

“All this is for the people who will be displaced to pave way for the construction of the Mufuchani Bridge across the Kafue River in Kitwe.

Natwikatane chapamo bane tutwale ichalo chesu pantanshi (Let’s unite and develop our country together)” he said.

Social media is the main platform for the exchange of ideas, especially by the younger generation who are able to forge links across the globe as they interact with friends, acquaintances, professionals and other people through Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and several others links


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