Work on the road behind Mambilima Basic school
Published On January 22, 2014 » 2880 Views» By Administrator Times » Letters to the Editor
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ALLOW me space in your popular newspaper to make an appeal to our councillor for Muchinga Ward in Matero North.

Every rainy season we experience some challenges in the area behind Mambilima Basic School and Matero Referal Health Centre.

We face a lot of hardships when using the road between the school and the health centre.

The portion of the road alluded to is a death trap as it is overgrown with long grass exposing innocent people to brutal attacks by thugs. Only last weekend a man was killed just around the corner of the perimeter fence of Chingwere Basic School.

Thugs hide in the tall grass around this area and attack people, especially those of us who use this route most times to go to work and back.

With all the speed possible, can the councillor do the needful and ensure that the tall grass is cut to save us from the ever impending attacks? Or should we ask Honourable Miles Sampa to come to our aid? Please do something now!


Concerned Resident

Matero North



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