Well done ZDA!
Published On January 23, 2014 » 2505 Views» By Administrator Times » Letters to the Editor
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The Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) deserves a token of appreciation for its disclosure that the privatisation revenue account which is held at the Ministry of Finance is sufficiently funded to support the creation of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC).

Let me explain why: ZDA, since first coming into being, has shamed the critics and doomsayers who previously were against the PF Government’s recent plans to re-establish the parastatal, IDC.

Groups of cynics and critics from the political divide, are also now able to see that the establishment of the IDC will boost the contribution of state-owned enterprises to national development by placing them under one umbrella holding entity to deepen their reform, enhance efficiency and maximise returns. Now that ZDA has shamed them, is there any hope of hot air from the opposition political leaders in IDC’s lifetime?

Without doubt, IDC is a brilliant tool for sustainable industrial development for Zambia.

Mubanga Luchembe,


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