Zambians have confidence in President Lungu
Published On May 19, 2015 » 2565 Views» By Administrator Times » Letters to the Editor
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THERE is a concerted strategy of seeking to portray the Patriotic Front (PF) as a factional or divided house.
Stories are published with all sorts of fictitious allegations against the PF and its leadership.
There is also an intensification of focus into the private lives of senior PF leaders, to sow further confusion.
There can be no justification for this type of invasion of the privacy of any individual by the media. Once we remove all boundaries, we begin to undermine the right to human dignity, for which we all fought for so tirelessly.
Those peddling such information are wasting their time. They will not succeed in driving a wedge between President Edgar Lungu and the 2016 Zambian voters.
Zambians have full confidence in him as the President of the Republic. They deployed him into State House because they knew his capabilities, and were in no doubt that he would be equal to the task of running our country.
His 100 days in office have gone on exceptionally well and are poised to score a resounding challenge to his critics. A demonstration is the recent strides taken by Vernon Mwaanga and Richard Kapita.
The flying rumours and gossip are to Zambians just “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”.

Mwango Chisha

Unions not doing enough for civil servants

IT is a pity that the civil servants trade unions have only concentrated on salary negotiations instead of also pushing other entitlements for the workers.
Many civil servants are owed money in unpaid allowances which unions were supposed to fight for.
It is sad that the union was quiet until recently when the wage freeze was lifted as if it is the only thing the workers need.
For example, some workers have not been paid their settling in allowances and leave travel benefits for many years.
Conditions of service are not only about the salaries. Unions should jack up and fight for all entitlements for the workers.
Wisdom Kaunda




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