IFAD to disburse funds to Choma farmers
Published On June 7, 2015 » 2447 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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GOVERNMENT with support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will this year disburse K1,320,420 in grants to benefit more than 20 small-scale farmer groups in Choma for livestock production.
IFAD has been implementing a seven-year programme through its Small-holder Agribusiness Promotion Programme (SAPP) in Choma to increase the volume and value of agribusiness based on output of small-scale farmers.
The programme is further aimed at increasing the income level of the poor rural households involved in the production, value adding and trade of agricultural commodities.
District Commissioner (DC) Sheena Muleya said at the weekend that, IFAD through its SAPP programme in Choma was focusing on small livestock and beef.
Ms Muleya, who was speaking at the district agricultural show, said in 2014, 11 groups benefited a grant for goat production, construction of a loading bay and livestock service centre.
“A total amount of K600,000 was approved and the groups have so far been given K22,000. This year, 21 groups have been approved for matching grants and they are expected to be given a total amount of K1,320,420,” she said.
She said a total of 24,335 farmers in Choma would this year benefit from the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) and that 48,670×50 Kilogrammes (kg) bags of Urea and 50,670 bags of D-Compound had been allocated for the 2015-2016 farming season.
So far, the district has received 19, 164 bags of D-Compound from the Nitrogen Chemical of Zambia while Urea would be delivered as soon as the engaged contractor, Neria Investment secures storage shed.
Ms Muleya said that, a total of 1,990 farmers would receive groundnuts seed under FISP as the district had so far been allocated with 3,980×10 Kgs bags of groundnut seed.
District agricultural show chairperson Raphael Mwiinzani urged Government to consider increasing the number of fertilisers in a pack from four bags to eight bags and 20 Kgs of seed maize.

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