Mulobezi clinic reccords no martenal deaths in 4ys
Published On June 15, 2015 » 1833 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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MULOBEZI Community Rural Health Centre in Western Province has over the past four years not recorded any maternal deaths.
Mulobezi clinical officer-in-charge Dickson Mwaliteta said the health institution had lined up several health interventions that had helped to curb maternal deaths.
Mr Mwaliteta said one of the programmes that had helped prevent maternal deaths was the Saving Mothers Giving Lives Project which was introduced in the district over the years.
“It is my hope that all the health institutions countrywide completely wipe out maternal deaths because we are still sensitising mothers on how to avoid maternal deaths and so far it has worked in our favour and we have curbed any occurrence of maternal deaths in the district,” he said.
Mr Mwaliteta said this in Mulobezi at the weekend when Western Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Bernard Chomba visited the health facility.
He said the intervention had helped to impart maternal knowledge in midwives and mothers, thereby reducing the deaths. The district had also created eight Safe Motherhood Action Groups to give pregnant women information on maternal health.

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