Local football gets right buzz
Published On July 27, 2015 » 1541 Views» By Administrator Times » Features
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Letters to the Editor -LogoIT is gratifying to see the increase in publicity of our local soccer league.
However, good publicity needs to be complimented with quality standards.
Our footballers should know that the whole continent is now able to watch them.
The bringing in of some foreign players in our league is a clear indication that our footballers are well looked after.
It is also good to have Matimba Nkonje back as a commentator after many years.
The future of soccer or any sport in our country lies in the support it gets from the people and corporate world.
Sports is entertainment that can generate huge income and help many citizens to be healthy.
Wisdom Kaunda

No, to lowering voting age

I want to echo my views concerning Agness Kaputa’s sentiments which appeared in the Times of Zambia of July 23 2015  on lowering the voting age to 16.
At age 16 someone is still considered to be a minor to articulate issues concerning economic, cultural, educational and psychological transformation of Zambia.
The author said children of today are knowledgeable because of their exposure to the new information technologies such as the internet and others.
Let me advise her to see her Civic Education teacher for further clarificationon on what the law says about the voting age.
I could have elaborated much but please see your teacher like I have advised earlier.
Thank you.
Kasanta Kabwela

Strive to make a difference

“IF you’re not making someone’s life better,” I once heard a great man say, “then you’re wasting your life.”
Thomas Edison gave us the bulb, what will you give us? Nikola Tesla gave us the alternating current(a/c), what will you give us?
Don’t be fooled, your race or skin colour don’t matter, it is what you hold in your head that is important.
George W Carver, a black man born a slave in America, went on to discover more than three hundred ways of usefully using peanuts. Though it is debatable, many even believe that, the peanut butter you enjoy today, was discovered by Carver.
Others argue that he just improved it to what we have today. “ I should appreciate it very much,” said the great Albert Einstein, “if the memory of the great scientist George W Carver would be honoured….”
Yes Carver was born a slave and black, but he did his best to make our lives better. What will you do for us? Even when deprived of a proper childhood schooling, Benjamin Franklin proved to us that it was and is still possible to attain education of a higher nature.
He went on to invent the Bifocals, the Franklin stove, to name but a few. It’s a waste of time for me to inform you that he was also an outstanding states man- why do you think his oval face is shining today on the American hundred dollar bill? Here is another great man, Franklin, a runaway, showed us that, what most of us think impossible, is actually possible!
What can you show us? Helen Keller, lest females think I’m gender biased, convinced us that even where nature made a mistake, we humans have the power to make things right! A few days after her birth, Keller became deaf and blind. Later on she, sadly, became dumb too. But you will be glad to learn that Keller fought these evils and went on, in the Human history, to become the first blind and deaf woman to obtain a bachelors degree. She was a beautiful and good writer too. “…it is a sin to bore the reader…” She once wrote.
Can you convince us? Of what? The greatest teacher of all times, Jesus Christ, taught us to, truly, love one another! Where Moses said, “ …eye for an eye…” Jesus taught us to, “…turn the other cheek…” What can you teach us? The KEY is to IMPROVE the WORLD, make it a better place than you found it. In closing, “ if you have knowledge,” as Winston Churchill once said, “ let others light their candles with it”
Andrea B Matambo

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