Slap more fees on drunken drivers
Published On January 28, 2014 » 2428 Views» By Administrator Times » Letters to the Editor
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HAPPEN to be one of the motorists who try to observe traffic rules.

However I have once been a victim of a car accident with a suspected drunk driver.

I have been inconvenienced to find alternative transport to get my children to school and myself to work and also attend to other life demanding issues.

It is a shame that while I am having these difficulties, the one who caused the accident was only made to pay a minimal fee for careless driving. I am left to deal with the irritating procedures of insurance companies.

I would therefore suggest the Road Transport and Safety Agency to introduce fees to pay to the owner of the damaged vehicle to help in arranging alternative transport or provide means until the insurance company repairs or replaces the damaged vehicle.

Mwenya Mulenga

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