State ponders setting up Mungwi timber estate
Published On September 16, 2015 » 1761 Views» By Administrator Times » Business, Stories
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in Mungwi
THE district administration in Mungwi is pondering establishing a timber plantation in the area.
This is to increase revenue of the district and reduce dependence on funding from the central Government.
Newly appointed Mungwi district commissioner Bwalya Kaniki said the district is seriously considering agriculture forestry.
“We are seriously considering agriculture forestry because of the lucrative nature of the activity,” Mr Kaniki said when Malole Member of Parliament Christopher Yaluma paid a courtesy call on him at his office.
He said the district is in discussion with Paramount Chief Chitimukulu to find land where the plantation would be located and the traditional leader had shown willingness for the project to go ahead.
“If we can get K4 million from forestry alone in five years when our timber matures, we can be able to undertake various projects without looking to Government,” he said.
Mr Kaniki said after the land is secured, the district would go flat out to raise funds and front land as collateral as well as some guarantees from the central Government.
Mr Kaniki said that the administration in the district had developed a robust development plan with main emphasis to revive agriculture.
He said the soil in the area could accommodate any crop hence the need to step up efforts to revive commercial agriculture.
Mr Yaluma, who is Mines, Energy and Water Development minister, assured Mr Kaniki that he would work closely with the district administration to assist it achieve various aspirations.
He said Government was working on the roads and will bring electricity closer to the people to spur economic activities.

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