Lungu makes new PS appointments
Published On November 16, 2015 » 3917 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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President Lungu 300x174By PERPETUAL SICHIKWENKWE  –

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has appointed Kayula Siame as Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry.
President Lungu has  also appointed Auxillia Bupe Ponga as Permanent Secretary for Monitoring and Evaluation in the Ministry of Development and Planning.
Special assistant for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda announced in a statement yesterday that Ms Siame would take over from Siazongo Siakalenge, whose contract came to an end on October 29, this year.
Mr Chanda said that Ms Siame was until her appointment national coordinator for the Private Sector Development, Industrialisation and Job Creation at Cabinet Office.
President Lungu was hopeful that Ms Siame, who was exceptionally qualified in promoting private sector development, particularly the promotion of initiatives to improve the ease-of-doing business, would move speedily to ensure the full implementation of Government’s Industrialisation agenda.
Mr Chanda also said Dr Ponga who had been appointed Development and Planning Permanent Secretary in charge of monitoring and evaluation, would be taking leave from the United Nations (UN) where she is currently the director for the UN Women Office based in South Africa.

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