Make planning priority (Pt 4)
Published On January 30, 2016 » 1147 Views» By Bennet Simbeye » Features
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By RODRICK MAKUPE – THIS is the last article in setting goals for 2016 academic year. I believe you have learnt something. Apart from setting goals on how your academic performance is going to be, you need to set goals on the following factors;
Your conduct at school. From my experience as a pupil and a teacher I have come to understand that pupils with a good conduct tend to be the teachers’ favourites.
In most cases they are the ones who ascend to positions of authority in school such as being a prefect, house captain, class captain and many other portfolios.
I often recommend pupils to go for leadership whilst at school. I believe schools are better training grounds for today and future leaders. There is no school administration which can allow a pupil with a questionable character to be the head boy/girl of the school.
Just the way it is in our political system, people want to vote for a leader with integrity and is morally upright.
Besides the benefits that come a long with good conduct, being a well behaved pupil is something you need to do and something acceptable. You can even set goals on how you are going to conduct yourself in class and outside class environment by resolving to do the following.
You will never steal anything from your friends not even a pencil.
If you are found with things that are not yours you will try your best to give it to the owner.
You will not be late for any school activity- you can do this by improving in time management.
Whereby if it is time to be in class you are the first one to be in class. You will submit your academic work in advance. When given class exercise do your work in time.
You will not be booked for punishment as an individual- if your conduct is not good you are likely to be on punishment often and this can badly affect your performance. Even if you are punished during class lessons such as to kneel, it will also affect your concentration.
You will lead by example to your classmates- I made up my mind in my early junior secondary education to lead by example to my class mates. I tried my level best and my teachers can bear with me, I used to be among the well behaved pupils in school.
Your time management- I shared sometime back on the importance of time management in your academics. Time is a non-renewable resource. Hence use it well whilst at school. Do not be among people who regret in future on how they wish they had used their time wisely whilst at school. The Bible states there is time and season for everything under the sun. You will not be a pupil always, it is just a phase which you should utilise well.
Hence, set goals on time management by considering the following;
Drawing a study time table.
Few weeks ago one of the readers of this column asked me a question on how he can make a study table and advice on how to stick to it faithfully.  Drawing a time table is something you need to do with care.
For example look at your performance in all subjects, definitely there are those subjects in which you are naturally good and those in which you have been struggling. I remember Math was my most difficult subject at my junior level and senior level partly. When I was making a study time table I began to give it more time. I often made timetables with three sessions; 04 hours, 16 hours and 19 hours when I was at school but when we closed I could make adjustments.
My sessions were often two hours except the night ones I could do more, but within the same two hours I would have breaks.
Sticking to your timetable is something you may struggle with in the first few days.
However, Psychologists have argued that if you do one thing 21 consecutive days, it tends to become part and parcel of your character.
If you have a watch set an alarm, set times for your study time. If possible, pick a study partner who will be reminding you on how you are making progress.
By prioritising what is important on a daily basis, you need to set goals on how you are going to spend time on a daily basis.
By considering time to bathe, do some chores, pray, study the Bible, study a novel or any motivational book.
By deciding not to miss class lessons unless otherwise- attending all class lessons has various benefits such as it is able to cut your study time, it gives you an opportunity to ask questions your teachers, it enables you to learn from your friends as they respond to teachers questions and it will be almost impossible for you to be behind.
By using your time for productive things- you can set goals that you will not abuse your time on things that cannot add value to your academic life. How you use your time plays a critical role in your pursuit to success including your academic success.
For comments write to, email: Facebook page: Academic and Kingdom insights with Rodrick Makupe. Contact: 0979700937/0964351029

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