Word of caution to Alangizi
Published On February 5, 2014 » 4996 Views» By Administrator Times » Letters to the Editor
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MARRIAGE counsellors commonly known as Alangizi are doing a commendable job and should not be frustrated by selfish individuals who leaked the video showing a woman being prepared to be a good wife.

It is imperative that in future such counselling sessions before they start counsellors should agree on who should be present and I suggest there

should be only four adults in a room without phones or

cameras so that we can avoid such embarrassment in future.

All those present at such sessions must observe maximum confidentiality; I feel marriage counselling is the most challenging training: and we must respect our culture.

I remember when Nelson Mandela died during his funeral at some point the world was cut off from following proceedings on television.

This was due to the fact that the culture did not allow people to watch that final part of lowering the casket.

This is what it means to respect the culture.

The marriage counselling training focuses on sensitising the couples on how to treat each other as married partners.

Otherwise those who leaked the Alangizi video must be ashamed and since the police are investing the case they must make sure that the people who leaked the video must face the law for exposing a well-intended exercise into something else.




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