More obtain voters’ cards
Published On February 23, 2016 » 1961 Views» By Bennet Simbeye » Latest News
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Register to vote!




LUSAKA District electoral officer Alex Mwansa has appealed to members of the public who have not yet registered as voters to take advantage of the remaining week to obtain voters’ cards.
Mr Mwansa said the extended registration exercise would close at the civic centre on Monday next week.
In a statement issued by Lusaka City Council (LCC) assistant public relations manager Brenda Katongola, Mr Mwansa, who is the Lusaka Town Clerk, said he was impressed that people were registering in large numbers.
He said the registration exercise was being conducted at two registration centres located at the civic centre and the showgrounds.
The registration of voters for presidential, parliamentary, local government and mayoral elections was being conducted at the civic centre every day except for weekends.
Mr Mwansa said it was gratifying that the civic centre was receiving on average 100 to 150 people registering as voters daily.
The centre now has 4,435 voters, including 2,452 who are new voters comprising 1,253 females and 1,199 males.
“Looking at the number of people registering at the peri-urban section every day, it is evident that the publicity campaign for the extended period is bearing fruit,” he said.
Mr Mwansa said there would be no further extension after the Monday deadline and urged people to register now.
This will also leave room for data processing in readiness for inspection of the provisional voters’ register which will be conducted from May 15 to 21.

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