Kudos to Speak-Out
Published On April 20, 2016 » 4716 Views» By Bennet Simbeye » Letters to the Editor
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I AM a typical scrooge, I admit, when it comes to paying out compliments. But Speak-Out Magazine has really earned this write-up.
I have been following them for the past six years now and, thus far, I dare say their delivery is more than satisfactory.
The magazine is replete with inspiration for those with hope and the hopeless, potent business ideas and lessons, environmental information and up-dates, puzzles to exercise the mind, English lessons for students and non-students, and, though the magazine is for youths, many in it are words of wisdom and stories one can share with family.
Most importantly, Speak out Magazine is not short of food for your spirit! And all for less than K5,   these are out to empower, not to mop your pockets clean like most useless books and magazines do.
I am urging my fellow youths to take hold of the Speak Out Magazine twice every month for the betterment of their lives and state of mind.
I further strongly recommend that as parents, we get at least one issue for our children and families every month.
This magazine, no doubt, can stand beside the Bible or Quran without starting a fire like most magazines we meet around the city.
Therefore, thumbs up, Speak Out Magazine and keep up with the great work you are doing.
People may be silent but your works are helping better lives out there. Your words, indeed, are far from falling wholly on deaf ears.
I hope my children’s children will get a chance like me, to enjoy and learn from the contents of your publication-I wish your good magazine eternity.
Once more, kudos Speak Out Magazine!

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