Maamba coal output soars
Published On February 9, 2014 » 3542 Views» By Administrator Times » Business, Stories
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LCOAL production at Maamba Collieries Limited (MCL) in Sinazongwe has increased from 90,000 tonnes in 2012 to 400,000 tonnes last year.
The firm says the improvement is due to fairly stable policy environment and conditions in the country.
“In 2013, coal production levels at Maamba Collieries reached over 400,000 tonnes compared to only 90,000 tonnes in 2012,” company head of corporate affairs Janardhan Lavu said.
Mr Lavu said in response to a Press query that the performance by Maamba Collieries in 2013 had been fair since the mine was reopened in May, 2010.
He said the company had continued registering an upward trend in coal production although the break-even point had not been reached yet.
“The good performance in both production and sales can be safely attributed to a fairly stable and growing economic position Zambia occupies,” he said.
Mr Lavu said this performance saw the firm record orders from within the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC).
He said Maamba had the ability to produce adequate coal requirements for the country.
Mr Lavu said lower production scales were mainly due to the small coal market in the country.
“I must state that our confidence has continued to grow with the positive business outlook since MCL resumed operations under new Public Private Partnership initiative in April 2010.
“The policy environment has remained stable and conducive for investment and we have continued to receive tremendous support from all stakeholders in 2013,” Mr Lavu added.
MCL is a joint venture between the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Investment Holdings (ZCCM-IH) and Nava Bharat of Singapore.
Nava Bharat holds 65 per cent shares while ZCCM-IH owns the remaining 35 per cent.

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