Mugabe salutes Lungu
Published On August 30, 2016 » 2200 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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. Mugabe

. Mugabe

ZIMBABWEAN President Robert Mugabe has joined many other leaders in congratulating President-elect Edgar Lungu on his re-election as Zambian President on August 11.
In his congratulatory message dated August 19, 2016, Mr Mugabe expressed hearty congratulations to Mr Lungu and commended the Zambian people for making their democratic choice in a peaceful manner.
The Zimbabwean leader said the mandate that the people of Zambia had given to Mr Lungu re-confirmed the high level of trust and confidence they had in his leadership.
“I wish you, Your Excellency and dear brother, personal good health and success as you discharge the onerous duties of your high office,” President Mugabe said.
This is according to a statement issued by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations, Amos Chanda.
And the President of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has extended his congratulations to President-elect Lungu and expressed best wishes for Zambia’s continued stability, progress and prosperity.
“The Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia congratulates the Government, people and further expresses the best wishes for stability, progress and prosperity to the whole nation of Zambia,” President Mohamud said.
Meanwhile, Mr Lungu has sent a message of condolences to Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the Italian people over the loss of lives in the earthquake that struck that country on August 24, this year.
Mr Lungu said he was deeply saddened by the tragic loss of lives in the earthquake.
In his message of condolences, he said the Zambian people commiserated with the Italian people as they mourned their beloved ones.
The President-elect prayed that God may grant comfort and solace to the bereaved families during this trying period.
“On behalf of the Government, the people of the Republic of Zambia and on my own behalf, it is with utmost sorrow that l convey to Your Excellency, the Government and the people of Italy, our heartfelt and deepest condolences for the tragic loss of life in the central part of your country following the earthquake of 24th August, 2016,” Mr Lungu said.

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