Convoluted deal
Published On October 20, 2017 » 3872 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » Columns, Sports
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Sport On - Chipepo newONE of the longest transfer sagas involving defender Isaac or is it Issaac Shamujompa, as some club had registered him, finally came to end though not conclusive enough.
The Football Association of Zambia Player Status and Transfer committee ruled that Shamujompa belongs to MTN-FAZ Super League side, Nchanga Rangers, according to their findings.
Looking at the entire 13-page ruling and what transpired from 2011 until the player found himself at Power Dynamos, I guess his parent club Intersport FC should shoulder the blame for failing to properly handle his transfer from the word go.
Super Division new entrants, Buildcon Football Club, were also at some point entangled in this case although they luckily escaped the financial loss.
While the ruling explains in detail how the player moved from his parent’s home in Kalulushi to where he is now, it is important to put the players’ interest first in as much as all the parties involved have a say.
From the look of things, Intersport, which in this case is a parent club, should have been bold enough from the beginning to secure their player looking at the potential he had.
While Kalulushi’s action to sell a player, who they did not fully own, was beyond Intersport’s control, Rangers would have taken it upon themselves to check the player’s status with FAZ.
I believe FAZ keeps records for all the players and having such confusions is uncalled for.
What doesn’t add up is the fact that Rangers altered his name (Isaac to Issaac) to have him registered in the system. But I mean, why should FAZ allow a club to alter a player’s name for the sake of registration?
I find this quite suspicious, but that is, I believe, both Rangers and FAZ knew the consequences to altering a player’s name. All erring parties need to be seriously punished for this deed.
And why did the registrar allow a player to be registered by all these teams that claim to be owners?
The ruling in favour of Rangers should not give the Chingola outfit a leeway to pin the player. As much as they spent money on him, Power equally forked out some good amount to have the player in Kitwe.
Since the player wants to be in Kitwe, let the two clubs negotiate a workable solution because it is his career at stake.
Shamujompa is a national team player and failure to handle his case properly may affect his career.
All the clubs involved in his transfer saga should be level headed and put the player’s interest first, suffice to say the player and the clubs should learn to be transparent in handling transfer issues.
After all is said and done, the player’s career should not be in jeopardy. Let all parties involved consider the player’s future and most importantly learn to handle transfer issues in a transparent manner.

I hope FAZ through the Referees Manager will take action soon concerning these several complaint concerning the whistlemen performance on the field of play.
The league has reached it crucial point and it is therefore imperative that the Referee Manger is on top of things and ensure his officials are above board or maybe it is time FAZ brought back the Referees Association of Zambia (RAZ).
It seems that might be the only way to restore sanity in our beautiful game and save our whistle blowers the insults and beatings they have endured from angry coaches, players and fans.
For comments email and lets interact on twitter @eliaschipepo, have a wonderful sporting weekend.

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