ZCCM-IH capital remains at K1m
Published On December 30, 2013 » 3151 Views» By Administrator Times » Business, Stories
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ZCCM-Investment Holdings market capitalisation has remained at K1.116 million as at March 31, 2013 from the previous financial year.

 Group executive chairperson Willa Mung’omba said the market capitalisation as at March 2013 was K1, 116 million and has not not changed since 2012.
Mr Mung’omba said ZCCM-IH share price on the Lusaka Stock Exchange closed the year at K12.5 same as it did in 2011.
He said the company was well positioned to maximise returns from its existing investments currently concentrated in copper mining, as well as pursuing value addition opportunities in other minerals and mining related ventures.
Mr Mung’omba said in the report for 2013 that, the group continued with investments in productive capacity in an effort to reposition and enhance efficiencies.
He said Investment in Ndola Lime Company Limited continued and this was expected to improve the production capacity of lime and the Group’s business.
“Other investee companies continued with their growth strategies premised on the prospect of recovery in global demand and improved investments in power projects intended to remove bottlenecks in electricity supply,” Mr Mung’omba said.
Growth in output was expected in 2014/15 as investments continue in Lubambe Copper Mine Plc, Konkola Copper Mines as well as First Quantum Minerals Limited’s new Trident Mine.
The Group recorded turnover of K520 million compared to K257 million in 2012 and operating profit of K417 million.
He said improved dividend payments from investee companies impacted positively on Group performance.

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