Hats off to Chief Mumena
Published On December 31, 2013 » 3705 Views» By Administrator Times » Letters to the Editor
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Senior Chief Mumena of Solwezi

Senior Chief Mumena of Solwezi

What I saw on Zambia National Broadcating Corporation television on Insakwa Yaba Kaonde (our Kaonde vernacular programme), a couple of months ago, in relation to what Senior Chief Mumena of Solwezi is doing in his chiefdom was impressive and cannot go without mention.

The traditional leader is doing everything in his power to empower his people by providing them with land to engage in several productive activities.

I hope this will lead to a situation where the people of Solwezi will stop importing poultry products from the Copperbelt.

This economic path, as initiated by the chief, should be encouraged and replicated in all the chiefdoms, especially in areas where mining activities are taking place so that people can indirectly benefit from these mines.

These productive activities that tap into major mining activities will improve our micro-economies and contribute towards the living standards of Zambians.

If our individual economies improve, every Zambian would be be better fed, our nutrition will improve, diseases will be reduced drastically and our medical needs and costs will come down. The pressure on our medical personnel needs will come down by 50 per cent.

It’s more prudent to have a well-looked after public and civil service that rides on a strong economic sector.

It is against this background that I propose that the youth fund under the Ministry of Youth and Sport, together with its sister initiative at the Ministry of Gender and the Citizens Economic Empowerment fund and other related funds should either be abolished, overhauled or reformed. Otherwise, we will continue throwing monies down the drain for political expediency at the expense of our country’s economic emancipation.

What do public servants know about business? except learning about business in schools.

Let businesses that will help other businesses to grow with the help of Government give these initiatives a human face.

Once again hats off to Chief Mumena. Twasanta mwane.

John Noel Lungu

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