Happy New Year
Published On December 31, 2013 » 2997 Views» By Administrator Times » Letters to the Editor
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May I take this opportunity to wish all Professional Teachers Union of Zambia (PROTUZ) members countrywide a happy new year. Allow me to also wish Times Printpak staff a prosperous new year.

The year 2013 was characterised by successes and challenges but at the end of the year, we have managed to pull through together with a very good working relationship.

As stakeholders in the running of national affairs, the media is a very important component in as far as dissemination of information is concerned.

We hope and trust that come 2014, the same spirit would continue so that our members are kept informed about many issues in the labour movement.

May God bless the PROTUZ leadership, member teachers and all the staff at Times of Zambia.



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