Two men jailed for aggravated robbery
Published On April 9, 2014 » 2522 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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THE Kitwe High Court has sentenced two men that were convicted for aggravated robbery to 25 and 35 years imprisonment with hard labour respectively.
High Court Judge Isaac Kamwendo sent to jail Morgan Bandak, 24, and William Subakanya, 25, of Kamitondo Township after they were both found guilty of the offence.
The two while armed with weapons, stole a Toyota Spacio motor vehicle, one pair of seat covers and a cell phone altogether valued at K28,000, belonging to Patrick Kacheche.
This occurred on December 1, 2011 in Kitwe.
Mr Justice Kamwendo sentenced Banda who was a first offender to 25 years imprisonment with hard labour and Subakanya to 35 years imprisonment also with hard labour who was the second offender.
Mr Justice Kamwendo said although Banda was a first offender, there were aggravating circumstances in the matter as the complainant incurred severe injuries.
“Subankanya’s 35-year jail term will run concurrently with the one he was earlier convicted of,” the Judge said.
Mr Justice Kamwendo convicted the two last week after finding them guilty of the offence.

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