Congratulations KK
Published On April 14, 2014 » 2001 Views» By Moses Kabaila Jr: Online Editor » Letters to the Editor
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I WOULD like to thank you for allowing me space in your paper to congratulate first Republican president Kenneth Kaunda on his 90th birthday anniversary.
I would also like to congratulate the former ruling party the United National Independence Party (UNIP) for having been in power from October 24, 1964 to 1991.
I also take this opportunity to congratulate the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) for ruling the country for 20 years between 1991 and 2011, as well as the current leadership of the Patriotic Front (PF) who have been in power for the last three years.
Most of all, I wish to extend my congratulations to Zambia on her 50th independence anniversary this year.
Zambia is proud of Super Ken (Kenneth Kaunda) and we wish him good health at all times.
Without him and the rest of the freedom fighters, Zambia could not have been in existence.
They struggled hard, and some of them even lost their lives to achieve Zambia’s freedom and independence from colonial rule in the then Northern Rhodesia.
May God continue to bless KK and President Michael Sata and all Zambians for future progress and prosperity under One Zambia, One Nation.

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