Improve Luanshya water
Published On January 3, 2014 » 2960 Views» By Administrator Times » Letters to the Editor
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Allow me to air my disappointment regarding the service offered by Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company in Luanshya especially in high density mine areas despite the high water tariffs the clients have to pay.

The erratic water, the company is supplies about twice in a day is very dirty and brownish in color.

You wonder if they do have any inspectors who check the quality of the water before it is offloaded to the clients.

We do realise that the rains are here with us and we should appreciate that Luanshya is receiving a fair share of the rains.

The dams, streams and rivers are flowing at high levels, therefore, there is no reason why Kafubu Water should be rationing water unless they have other reasons that they know better.

Secondly, they should improve on their water filtration process to remove the water’s brown muddy look.

One has to be brave to drink this water, it appears as if you are drinking coffee.

When you fetch this water in a bucket, you amazingly find muddy substances settled at the bottom after a while.

Is this coming from their water tanks or rusty pipes? When did they last clean their water reservoir tanks?

It is unthinkable how mothers feel when washing white baby nappies and linen in this muddy water.

I am therefore, appealing to our listening Government through our able Member of Parliament in conjunction with the Ministry of Health to look into this issue which poses a great health danger.
Something must be done.

Kwenje Mdziko


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